"Kisses from Katie" by Katie Davis was a gift from a friend, and I cannot tell you what a gift it was! I'd like to share a little about the book with you and then encourage anyone with a heart for children living in poverty, or just living a life sold out to God's purposes to order a copy from Amazon right now (click here!). If you'd rather just read about Katie's work through her blog (click here), or her non-profit's website (click here).
Stuff from the book...
- If a child has never experienced love, how can we expect him to accept the love of his Savior? We need to show children who have never experienced it REAL, TANGIBLE love.
- "If I am afraid, I am much more afraid of remaining comfortable."
- "We were each created to change the world for someone."
- God is asking me to share the tremendous love I have been given with others.
- God did not make too many people or too many resources to go around.
- "I was in no way qualified, but I was available."
- We serve them, because the Lord Jesus who created them, loves them.
- God wants us to CARE FOR THE POOR, not just CARE ABOUT them.
- We do not live in different worlds than these children, we live in the same world.
- We cling so tightly to what we have because we are scared of what would happen if we didn't have these things.
- I made peace with feeling inadequate, because the truth is, I AM.
- In America, do we really have to trust God to meet our needs or can we just do it on our own?
"I never chose these 150 children. God gave them to me. I never planned to send them to school; He did. It wasn't Katie carrying out Katie's plan; it was the Lord, for who all things, all things, are possible." ~ Katie Davis
If you do pick up the book, please comment here. I would love to have the blessing of hearing your thoughts!
Also, consider purchasing or gifting one of these beautiful necklaces! I just did!
You can buy this necklace for a little over $25 with shipping!
All of the proceeds go to working women in Uganda and help feed precious children. I want to ORDER!
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