Thursday, January 19, 2012

That's "pinteresting"

My husband is always cracking this little joke at my Pinterest creations....saying how "pinteresting" they are... 

So if you are interested in doing some cheap, cute crafts, here is a super easy way to do some...

 Cost, about $5.
Time, about 1 hour.

  • Buy a cheap wooden frame. Paint it. 
  • Buy a wooden initial. Paint it. 
  • Buy any embellishments you like, and hot glue them to the frame. 
  • Then, hang your initial from the frame using fishing line. I just tied a loop around the frame and the letter. I cut a small grove in my "F" for the fishing line to slide into, and then added a little hot glue to hold it. 
  • Cut two equal lengths of ribbon, loop them around the frame top and tie them together at the point where you want this to hang from a nail (creating an upside down V, and use a double knot). You can tie on extra ribbons or a bow if you want.
  • I hot glued my ribbons in place as well just in case some wind comes along.

Cost, about $7 (but still have 1/2 roll of hemp left)!
Time, about 45 min.

  • Take a bottle of your choice.
  • Using Elmer's glue, wrap thick hemp around the bottle adding glue to the glass as you go. Close gaps between the hemp rings as you go, and continue wrapping until you reach the top!
  • Let dry.
SUPER EASY & pretty!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Stumbled upon this page and couldn't help but share. There are so many wonderful ideas here about prayer stations and creative ways of connecting with Jesus. 

There are so many, I haven't been able to read through all of them yet. 

One of my favorites...looking forward to trying it out tomorrow over coffee.

"Conversations with God"

The Bible constantly refers to God as our friend, but sometimes He can feel very distant. At this station you will get an opportunity to try and close the gap.
Take a seat in one of the chairs,
And in the chair opposite you imagine God Himself sitting there.
Take a few moments and have a conversation.
Ask Him questions,
tell Him your thoughts,
or just have a conversation.
And don’t just talk;
Wait awhile… be patient,
And see what God says to you.

Cast all your Anxiety on him because he cares for you. 
~ 1 Peter 5:7

Thursday, January 5, 2012

"Kisses from Katie" by Katie Davis

I have been literally blown away by this book I'm reading... 

"Kisses from Katie" by Katie Davis was a gift from a friend, and I cannot tell you what a gift it was! I'd like to share a little about the book with you and then encourage anyone with a heart for children living in poverty, or just living a life sold out to God's purposes to order a copy from Amazon right now (click here!). If you'd rather just read about Katie's work through her blog (click here), or her non-profit's website (click here).

Stuff from the book...

  • If a child has never experienced love, how can we expect him to accept the love of his Savior? We need to show children who have never experienced it REAL, TANGIBLE love.
  • "If I am afraid, I am much more afraid of remaining comfortable."
  • "We were each created to change the world for someone."
  • God is asking me to share the tremendous love I have been given with others.
  • God did not make too many people or too many resources to go around. 
  • "I was in no way qualified, but I was available."
  • We serve them, because the Lord Jesus who created them, loves them.
  • God wants us to CARE FOR THE POOR, not just CARE ABOUT them.
  • We do not live in different worlds than these children, we live in the same world.
  • We cling so tightly to what we have because we are scared of what would happen if we didn't have these things.
  • I made peace with feeling inadequate, because the truth is, I AM.
  • In America, do we really have to trust God to meet our needs or can we just do it on our own?

"I never chose these 150 children. God gave them to me. I never planned to send them to school; He did. It wasn't Katie carrying out Katie's plan; it was the Lord, for who all things, all things, are possible." ~ Katie Davis

If you do pick up the book, please comment here. I would love to have the blessing of hearing your thoughts!

Also, consider purchasing or gifting one of these beautiful necklaces! I just did!
You can buy this necklace for a little over $25 with shipping!
All of the proceeds go to working women in Uganda and help feed precious children. I want to ORDER!