I have no idea about the "whys" of this blog. I know nothing about blogging, but I do know that there are days Jesus puts things in my heart that I want to get out there. I'm struggling with Facebook lately because I seem to encounter more and more negativity there. I guess I'm moving a little more out of the Facebook neighborhood, and more into blog world. As you read my posts, please comment and ask more questions... because I want this to be a place of conversation. I want to "do life with people" and hear about how you are living out your faith in a real way.
A few things I'm thinking about tonight...
- A thought: If Jesus gives us nothing else, he has already done too much for us.
- A desire: To organize, and go on more foreign mission trips.
- The Word: "You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised." - Hebrews 10:36
- A quote: "Forget all the reasons why it wont work, and believe the one reason why it will."
Life today...
1. Learning to use what is in the freezer and pantry to make wholesome/good meals for my family... Just trying to save money while I'm not working and be a good steward of what God has blessed us with. Would appreciate any recipes made with the staples and simple ingredients!
Baked spaghetti: Whole grain spaghetti (pantry), 1/2 lb ground venison thawed from the freezer, chopped left over green pepper, jar of marinara I bought a while back on sale (pantry), topped with half a bag of cheese (staple) from the fridge and breadcrumbs (pantry)
Candied carrots: Baby carrots (on sale last week), brown sugar (pantry), butter (staple)
Garlic bread: Toasted leftover buns with butter, Italian seasoning, garlic, seasoned salt
2. Prayer time with Jonathan, Haleigh and Stephanie for Brooklyn Young's family. Stephanie reminded us that God is always doing miracles behind the scenes. Clay shared this with us: It has been said that: Death cannot kill what never dies.
And it’s true. Some things never die…like memories for instance…memories of a warm smile or a special touch…memories of moments shared with one another…memories of a look that no one else will ever give or just a way of being that no one else will ever possess. What never dies is that part of us that is unique and unrepeatable. That part lives forever in the hearts and minds of those who cared for us…who knew us…who shared our journey through life no matter how brief.
And when we remember those we’ve lost, we may cry or smile or even be angry because life can be so incredibly unfair. But we remember nonetheless, and when we do, the one we remember lives on in our hearts and in our minds.
3. Burkina Faso planning meeting: Matt and I are praying about taking a trip back to this precious country together. The fields there are open for harvest, and God has opened doors in a new village for a church plant! Some of the children who received salvation bracelets made by supporters of my last trip.